Thursday, October 4, 2012

Champlain College Capstone Project Blog Entry 5

This week I got to meet with some of the members of Eidos who went to talk at our school about their career's and their famous game Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It was an interesting talk and I managed to talk to the narrative designer of the team where we shared a brief talk on the creation of the lore of the game and how such things expand the gaming world.

When the speakers spoke they helped me reinforced my belief that my skills in narrative design can help me get into Triple AAA titles like Deus Ex. My one fear is that my lack of programming skills will hinder me, but seeing how these guys managed to develop their skills very fast and rise above the latter helps me calm that fear down.

Yet this also challenges my view of the gaming world as well. It seems that you really need to spend more years then I thought was needed in order to get to the position you want to get into. It took one of them at least 8 years to get to a Triple AAA game and in this industry today, where people with less experience are finding it harder to get a job, it makes me realize that it's going to take longer unless the industry changes.

If anything, this presentation gives my view of the capstone project a sense that there is really more we need to look into if were going to go Greenlight. It only seems that were at the tip of the iceburg with our current project and in order to make it great we're going to focus more on what we can do with the mechanics we have and will be creating in the future.

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