Friday, July 15, 2011

My thoughts on E3: Part 4

Well it time to end my thoughts on E3 with my look at the new generation consoles. To be frank, I'm one of those guys who really doesn't know what else is there to go for hardware. I think we pretty much have done everything we can do for hardware at the moment. Sure technology always changes, but personally I think it will be awhile till we get the "Next Big Three".

Especially since we only have two to talk about. Sony and Nintendo have come out with new stuff, but Microsoft wants to keep talking about the useless Kinect by giving us new games and how the Kinect will continue to give us our controller free entertainment.

To me it just sounds like Microsoft is begging people to just buy it.

Now if you don't know from my way earlier posts, I saw the Kinect (Like the Move) to be a useless and stupid attempt to try and copy the success of the Wii's wireless capabilities and the fun it can be used for with it's games. Why should I buy 200 dollars just to add some feature on my 360 for some of my games when I'm perficlly fine playing the games already designed for non-Kinect use? I know the Kinect came out with it's own "separate" games but none of those were fun at all or got my attention.

Now I will admit that some of the new games for the Kinect do look cool, like Child of Eden, but I still don't want to spend 200 hundred unless I get games that really interesting and worth my money.

But enough about the Kinect, let's talk about the Ninentdo's new Wii U.

The first thing you notice is the controller. What is up with Nintendo making interesting controllers? I bet they have a whole division dedicated to making new controllers for their consoles. Well first off it's a touch screen and as long as you have it active the screen will continue to play the game even if the TV is off. Meaning you can play it anywhere as long as the system is on. It has a built in microphone, speaker set, camera and more. 

Unlike most touch based systems, this one is a single touch system and not multi-touch which might not be a good idea especially since multi-touch is so popular. Previous Wii games will be playable and you can use the normal Wii Remote and the other Wii assets with the Wii U. However, Gamecube games and controllers will not be usable. 

Keep in mind that this is a prototype and we may see more changes before it's release in 2012.

Now let's talk about the Playstation Vista.

Multi-touch? Bluetooth? Wi-Fi? And 3G? Sounds interesting, but when I really think about it looks and sounds like's just going to be PSP 2.0. Yes it can play PSP games and it features a "LiveArea" which is said to be the successor to the XrossMediaB near.

But besides all the new hardware upgrades such as the ARM Cortex-A9 core processor and the Sixaxis motion censor. It just seems like having PSP 2.0 and nothing really catches my eye. Some say that it has a GPS and picture customization.

I've never been big on the handle held department, but I've always wanted my new hardware to feature something far out and unique. Nintendo always does that with it's handles, but Sony never keeps me attentive for too long. Maybe as time goes on more unique qualities will appear, but for now I'm not keeping an eye on it.

That's all I got to say about E3. Here's hoping I can go next year and give you guys a recorded review of everything.

We are gamers and we are legion.


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