Monday, February 18, 2013

Mageball Post 6

Well, we're halfway through the semester more or less and already there have been some major changes. It's been decided that we're dropping the third level out of neccesity. Mostly due to time and the fear that we won't get a chance to get all the art done for that level in time, so it's just focusing on Fire and Ice Level. This means that I'll have to put my narrative designs for the forest level on hold (in case we ever revive it) for now.

I managed to get to the wrting center on Friday and with the editors help I managed to correct some mistakes I made. They were really impressed by the lore of the game and looked ready to go out and try it out. They even said the annoucer lines sounded like real line an annoucer would say.

With that done, the main plot and tribes have been put into the wiki. Next up is the locations, which I'm going to be working on later tonight by making a map and sending data over to Sam and the others.

Finally, we have our annoucer: Andrew Ascone, our audio guy. We have to start recording lines as soon as possible, so I'm waiting for him to reply to me his best times are. I'm edgar to get announcing into the game and seeing how the testers react to having that added feature.

So far the game is looking good and geting a lot of good feedback . Hope it continues.

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