Monday, February 13, 2012

Global Game Jam 2012

Yup, this year I took place in the Global Game Jam. For those of you who don't remember, last year I talked about how I took part in this awesome event. It's a world wide event where gamers all over the world come together into groups and make games in 48 hours based on a theme.

The games can be electronic, card games, board games, or even games with words. It's not about being first or last, it's about having fun and showing your creativity.

This year I managed to create another board game based on the theme: Ouroboros. It's called Alchemy, based on the mystical symbol being used for the ancient art. The game is a card game with a drawn board where players place cards on the board in order to get combinations and earn points. The first person to get all their points wins.

Here is the game:


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