Sunday, January 22, 2012

Modern Warfare 3 vs Battlefield 3

(Disclaimer: I don't own the pictures)
Finally. After countless matches, countless times playing single player, and countless dead Russians or terrorists. I finally am ready to give off my opinion on which of the FPS behemoths is better.  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3. Chances are you’ve heard many people say which is the better game and why. Well, that’s what I’m also doing.
Except I spend since the debuts playing these games because I wanted to give my best analyses possible.  But in the end their can only be one…
Now about me and Call of Duty. I’ve been a fan since the first game and I still consider the start of the Battle of Stalingrad to be one of the best moments in any game. Ever since then, each game has only gotten better and better. Then we suddenly were given Modern Warfare and all our minds were blown.
Call of Duty in modern era? Access to aircraft and bombs? A plot that actually is original and decent? Hell yeah this game series is awesome. To this day Activision’s Modern Warfare is one of the greatest games to ever come out and each sequel has only gotten better and better.
Now I’ll confess something. I’ve never played a Battlefield game. Never.  I knew of the series, but was never that interested in it. That was until I saw the trailer for Battlefield 3. I, like many, was hooked and wanted to know more about the game. What really stunned us all was the new Frostbite engine and how the game looked like it could seriously compete with Call of Duty.
Everywhere on the internet, the two games were being talked about and how much they were going to bring to the table of FPS’s. Both games have come out a while ago, but to this day there are still arguments on which are better. Well this is my opinion guys so let’s start.
1. Graphics

Call of Duty has always had stunning graphics. The level design of the multiplayer maps always managed to capture attention and during the main story, you’re going to have major epic scenes. With all the bombs, bullets, and explosions going on around you actually feel like you’re in a real battle.
The NYC levels are just awesome! The greatest city in the world is in flames and crumbling all around you. I lived half my life in that city and they captured the entire island perfectly. France and England are no slouches either as that Big Ben moment really hits you.
The only thing I may have an issue is with the skyboxes. I don’t know, they kind of seem less improved then before.

However, Battlefield 3 makes graphic look like life itself. Now I played this on the Xbox and I know that the graphics are tons better on the PC, but even on Xbox the game plays beautifully. Characters look better then Call of Duty and the environments are more detailed, especially when it comes to the desert and night levels. Best desert combat ever. And the weather? My god is it great. The sea and water are just so well done I think it might be one of the top ten water effects I've ever seen in a game.
And with the levels of Battlefield 3 so huge it’s like you’re actually in a living warzone. Character animations are the best and the customizations for your characters make them stand out well.
Winner: Battlefield      
2. Controls

Call of Duty, for the most part, has had an average control scheme. And that’s a problem. I keep wishing the controls would get better or different then its previous counter parts, but that’s not the case. The game feels the same as it did before. For some it’s a good thing, but after playing the same controls after 3 games you would think we would get something different.
Plus, sometimes the controls just seem a bit weak.

Battlefield 3 has a much better control scheme and it has to. After all, you’re not just running around on the field of battle. You’re flying jets and driving tanks!  When you move, you feel like you’re moving. Turning is much better and the animations, my god. The Parkour like gameplay you get when you jump or dive is a thousand times better than anything Call of Duty gives (Or Brink for that matter). Shooting works well and aiming is just as par as the aiming system in Call of Duty.
But the real credit goes to the vehicle controls. They do get some getting used to, but as you master them you start to feel like a real jet pilot or a tank driver. 
Winner: Battlefield 3
             3. Sound

If you have your own sound system, do yourself a favor and send it to the max! This game continues to capture the realistic gunfire and explosions that you would expect in a Modern Warfare game. But the best has to be the voice acting. Top quality work on this one and I give it full credit for the accent’s they put in for the Russians. Plus, Price is just a bad ass.

Battlefield 3 has pretty realistic sounds as well. In fact, both Modern Warfare and Battlefield sound perfect together…only one little thing. I hate the voice acting in BF3. I really think they could have gone a lot better with it then they did. But one thing that they really do well together is the vehicle sounds. Still, I love voice acting. And I don't want any ties in this game so credit goes to COD.
Winner: Modern Warfare 3
            4. Single Player

I really like Call of Duty’s single player. Why? Because unlike other FPS’s army stories that are focused on terrorism or a war that’s happened in history, Modern Warfare actually has an original plot. Sure some events might be inspired by previous ones in real life, but did any of us expect General Shepard's betrayal in MW2? Or the backstory of Makarov? Not to mention Soap’s death in MW3!
And the impacts the story gives you such as the falling of the Eiffel Tower, the Big Ben explosion, and the last level when your killing Makarov? Just epic.
This is an epic tale that will make you want to replay all three games over again.

Battlefield 3’s single player…is just not good. Really not good. I really didn’t think they were trying with this one and it kind of shows. I don’t know anything about the characters, the story just confuses me the moment it starts (And I get what they’re trying to do, but A. COD Black Ops did it already and B. So did Black).
I don’t know if they were focusing so much on the Multiplayer that they didn’t want have that strong of a single player, but either way. This is an easy one.
Winner: Modern Warfare 3

This is the big one everyone has been talking about. As usual, Modern Warfare 3's is godlike. All the things we’ve come to expect from Modern Warfare in terms of Multiplayer are there. Awesome matches, new perks and weapons, and an excellent range of maps.
One thing I really find cool is the new Kill Streak system. You can choose to have one based on your kills, like before, but now you can also have on based on your deaths. What I also really like is the new level experience. Where the more you use your weapon, the better it gets.
What is also great is the other co-op missions and the Survival mode like game. The Co-op missions were tons of fun and I and my friends played them all night long when we got the game. I especially like the ones where on player is the shooter on some sort of vehicle or sniper position and the other has to go around shooting and moving to the objectives while his partner protect him. That’s awesome gameplay experience right there.
And then there is Survival mode. This is when you and a friend have to last as long as you can against bigger and deadlier waves of enemies that range from common soldiers, to dogs, to Juggernaut armored enemies. Each successful repel gives you money that you can use to buy ammo, perks, armor, and more. You’ll spend hours a day on this experience and never stop playing it.
Again, just the multiplayer experience alone is enough to make you have this game.

Now to Battlefield 3. Big maps with huge teams and huge guns. That’s just what you can say about this game. Each map is very well designed and very big. Enough to fit 50 players even. Matches go on for a long time and you’ll have plenty to do with the huge amounts of vehicles post everywhere. Teamwork is definitely needed for this experience as you cannot win this game on your own, you will die a lot if you don’t stick close to your teammates.
It sounds like a really good experience…but there are flaws. One, you will need to really spend a lot of time on this game to get more equipment. If you thought being a noob in COD was bad, this is much worse. It took me nearly forever to get enough credits to buy better equipment when nearly everybody was killing me every five seconds because I was so poorly equipped. At least in Call of Duty, you had some balances to help you out. I give credit to all the customization and the Battlelog system Dice made.
But there aren’t as many types of games you can play on these maps and the only one that really made me play was just Conquest. Modern Warfare as a lot more to offer. And while Battlefield 3 does have Co-op missions, they just don’t feel as good as Modern Warfare’s does.
Winner: Modern Warfare 3
So yes, both games are good. However, once again Modern Warfare is the king of all First Person Shooters. Everything about this game is great and this is the side I choose in the war between the two games.
We are gamers and we are legion.

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