Sunday, June 26, 2011

My thoughts on E3: Part 1

All videos and photos are not mine

E3....the Electronic Entertainment Expo. 

Said to be one of the most important moments every year for gamers and gaming companies and I believe so. This is when new games, new consoles, new technology, and more are revealed to us by the masters of the industry such as Nintendo, EA, Namco, THQ, and more. 

For three days people get to experience the pure awesomeness of what our industry has to offer and although I wasn't there (Something I will try to correct next year if luck be with me) that doesn't mean I can't comment on what's been revealed. Sure It's gone now, but many are still talking about it. As such this is going to be a four part talk about my thoughts on what's been shown at E3. I won't comment on everything, just what catches my eye.

The first three parts will be about the game while the final part will be about the top new hardware that Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have revealed to us. 

For now, lets look at some games!

1. Bioshock Infinity (2K Games)

What makes this Bioshock games stand out just alone is the fact that it's not underwater this time, it's up in the sky. You play as a special government agent who's been sent to find a secret sky city known as Colombia and find a girl named Elizabeth. It turns out that the city is, like Rapture, turned to civil war due to a disagreement on politics and everything is fallen apart. With new weapons, new powers, a wicked way of traveling on rail system, and constant danger around from a giant mechanical bird Bioshock Infinity looks like it's going to be high in the skies of sales and value.

2. Mass Effect 3 (EA)

When I saw this, my mouth drooled. In case I didn't remind you in the last 3 minutes, I love Bioware and I love Mass Effect more then any game out there. This is the final chapter and final battle as the Reapers final arrive on Earth to start their process of ending all galactic life. Not only are you going to have to unite the galaxy to stop them, your going to have to kill these Giant Space Mechanical Cthulhu's while fighting Cerberus who is out to get you. Not only do we have a new added combat system and new abilities, but also expect to see old friends as well as the choices you made in previous games come back and either help you or hinder your mission. The fate of the galaxy is in your hands....don't screw up.

3. X-Men Destiny (Activision) 

I've always been a comic geek-Marvel being my favorite-and I've played a few good comic games as well. The game follows a "choose your own path" like game where you play as one of three original mutants, each with their own special powers, and you have to decided are you with the X-men or with the Brotherhood. Classic X-Men characters like Wolverine, Magneto, Jean Grey, Gambit, Juggernaut, Northstar and others will appear as allies or enemies depending on your choices. I don't know if I feel positive or negative about this game, but I'll keep an eye out for it and see.

4. Star Wars: Old Republic (EA)

An online KOTOR? Sign me up. In all seriousness this game could be something that makes even WOW users shit their pants or it will be the most disastrous online game since Knight Online. It offers so much from a cinematic storyline and cast of characters that give that KOTOR feeling, to space battles, PvP combat, multiple words, interesting combat system, and a moral system of either being a Jedi or Sith. There is so much that this game could bring, but will it be enough to actually get players to play it? I don't play MMORPG's that much, but SWOP could be the one that finally draw me in and makes me spend 60 dollars a month for it. 

5. Hitman Absolution (Square Enix)

Agent 47 is back in his newest game, Absolution. Not much is know about this game other then 47 is out for revenge and the game will feature old Hitman game style mechanics while incorporating a few new ones. Hitman has never disappointed me and I look forward to see how this game turns out. Plus the trailer is absolutely awesome....okay bad pun....

6. Halo 4 (Microsoft)

I guess it's no surprise that there is a Halo 4. Master Chief and Cortana are back and this time they are saving the galaxy from a threat other then the Flood...from what it looks like it's a giant Death Star Eye thingy. Now I'm not a big Halo fan. In fact I only rented the games so I can play the main story line, Online in my opinion isn't as good as everyone says it is. But I only have questions for the game. Who is the main villain? Will we see familiar races again? How many new weapons? Will just have to find out.

7. Asura's Wrath (Capcom)

I don't know what to think of this one. On one hand it doesn't look anything different from your usual fighting adventure games, but one the other hand it's got me curious on how it will take the Asian Mythology of Asura and use it. It kind of feels like this is going to be a Asian God of War type game, but only time will tell if it's going to somewhat rip it off or completely rip it off.

8. Catherine (Atlus) 

When I heard that Atlus was making an "erotic horror adventure game" I was....well I scared. Atlus knows how to mess with your head and the fact that his game takes place in a dream world with scary psychological and dream stuff is going to be haunting me for awhile. It's definitely different and yet similar to it's Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series so only time will tell how this will be taken.

That's what I got so far. Check by later for some more stuff this week.

We are Gamers and we are Legion.



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