Saturday, March 24, 2012

Why I won't be reviewing Mass Effect 3 yet (Spoilers)

Well, I completed Mass Effect 3 twice already so normally I should review it, but I’m not going too. Now let me say this much, it’s a great game and should be played, but because of the ending I’m holding back on reviewing it. Like many others, I was very disapointed in the ending that Mass Effect 3 gave us. However, ever since I read about this Indoctrination Theory, it got me wondering if their’s more to this ending then meets the eye. To explain more about this theory, please watch the video below done by the legendary Angry Joe:

I happen to agree with a lot of the theories behind this. Many people say that Bioware dropped the ball or sold out on the ending, but I think maybe this was their plan all along. This wouldn't be the first time companies have added real endings to DLC.

I know some people are going to say "Well why not just include the ending anyway?". There might be a bunch of reasons. Maybe production went longer then expected and they had to ship before the ending could be completed (A problem all games face as no game is ever shipped with everything in it). Either way, I doubt Bioware really did this on purpose and even if they didn't the outcry of this ending has been so big that Bioware can use this time, and this theory, to give the fans what they want.

Granted it all comes down to how they sell it. When this DLC comes out (Most likely in April) what's going to be the price? If Bioware is smart they will release it for free. Having us pay 10 to 15 dollars for the ending we want isn't going to help them get forgiven by their fanbase. People were up in arms about the one-day DLC issue, the Origin issue, the forced Multiplayer issue, and now this ending issue. Bioware shouldn't add another one to their list. 

But either way you look at it, a lot of hardcore fans will most likely never forgive Bioware for what they did. I mean, I hold no grudge and I still love Bioware, but it's obvious that some choices they made have costed them. 

That doesn't mean, however, that fans should be acting like idiots. You want to create a protest and demand a better ending with a charity fund. I'm find with that. You want to give videos on why the ending sucked? Cool. But to demand Amazon for refunds on a game that is really good overall as well as going to the FTA to sue Bioware (Really kid, you went there) is just plain dumb. 

Like I said. This is a really good game. I'm not reviewing it yet, because I want to see where Bioware takes all this and go from there.

We are Gamers and We are Legion


P.S. Sorry if I haven't been updating a lot. We just finished Alpha for our Production II class.